OK, in the video of Jennifer Lopez called "My love don't cost a thing". In the part when Jennifer is running in the beach, with a shirt and like a bathing suit panties, she picks her wedgie, and the camera spotted it and left it in the video.
OKmif that's the part at the very end, then it's intentional. Why would they have like a close-up on her butt when she's picking a wedgie if they didn't want to make it intentional?
That was suppose to be in the video!!!! I watched the making of the vidoe and J.Lo did that on purpose. It wasn't "caught" by the camera. It was filmed with the other stuff as part of the segment where she's at the beach. Guess J.Lo thought is was "sexy" or something. You can tell it wasn't just a caught moment because when you pick a bathing suit wedgie you aren't smiling and stuff.